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Common Immigration Myths Debunked

Navigating the landscape of immigration can be overwhelming, and it's often clouded by a plethora of myths and misconceptions. At Familia America in Taylorsville, Utah, and San Jose, California, we believe it's essential to separate fact from fiction to make informed decisions. This blog aims to debunk some of the most prevalent immigration myths, providing clarity for those looking to understand the realities of immigration.

Myth 1: Immigrants Don't Pay Taxes

One of the most persistent myths is that immigrants don't contribute to the tax system. In reality, immigrants, including undocumented workers, pay billions in taxes each year. According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contributed approximately $11.74 billion in state and local taxes in 2017. They pay sales, income, and property taxes, significantly supporting public services.

Myth 2: Immigrants Take Jobs from Native Born Citizens

Another common misconception is that immigrants take jobs away from native-born citizens. While it's true that immigrants participate in the labor force, they often fill roles that are hard to staff. A study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that immigration has little to no negative effect on the wages and employment of native-born workers. In fact, immigrants often complement the native workforce by bringing diverse skills and perspectives.

Myth 3: Most Immigrants Are Here Illegally

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of immigrants in the United States are here legally. According to the Department of Homeland Security, roughly 77% of immigrants have lawful status. This includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, and those on temporary visas. The focus on undocumented immigrants often overshadows the significant number of legal immigrants contributing to society.

Myth 4: Immigrants Are a Drain on Public Resources

Many people believe that immigrants overuse public benefits and drain resources. However, various studies show that immigrants contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits. The National Academies of Sciences found that immigrant men aged 18 to 64 have higher employment rates than their native-born counterparts, meaning they are more likely to be contributors rather than dependents.

Myth 5: The Immigration Process is Simple and Quick

Many assume that immigrating to the United States is a straightforward process. In reality, immigration procedures are often complex, lengthy, and costly. Depending on the type of visa or status sought, it can take years or even decades to complete the process. This complexity underscores the importance of legal assistance for potential immigrants navigating the system.

Myth 6: Refugees and Asylum Seekers Are a Security Threat

Safety concerns are often cited as reasons against accepting refugees and asylum seekers. However, the vetting process for these individuals is rigorous. According to the Migration Policy Institute, refugees undergo extensive background checks, interviews, and security screenings. The likelihood of a refugee being a security threat is incredibly low compared to other immigration pathways.

Myth 7: Immigration Benefits Only Immigrants

Some believe that immigration only benefits those who immigrate to the United States. However, the truth is that immigration also brings significant economic and cultural benefits to the country. Immigrants start businesses, create jobs, and contribute to innovation and diversity in communities. Additionally, immigrants have a positive impact on Social Security and Medicare funding.

Myth 8: Immigrants Refuse to Learn English

Contrary to popular belief, most immigrants strive to learn English and become proficient in the language. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 75% of immigrants speak English well or very well. Many communities also offer free or low-cost English classes for non-native speakers. Learning English is often a top priority for immigrants as it facilitates integration into American society.

Contact Us

At Familia America, we understand the complexities and nuances of immigration laws. We are committed to providing reliable legal counsel for all your immigration needs. Contact us today if you have any questions or need assistance with your immigration journey. Don't let myths and misconceptions steer you in the wrong direction – trust our experienced team to guide you through the process.  Let's work together towards a brighter future for you and your family. Keep learning and stay informed about the realities of immigration!

Contact a Salt Lake City Fiancé Visa Attorney at Familia America Today

Attorney Gloria Cardenas brings more than 30 years of experience in immigration law to help protect the rights of clients and their family members. She and her knowledgeable team at Familia America work diligently behind the scenes to help process fiancé visa applications as quickly as possible. To learn more, contact the legal professionals at Familia America in Salt Lake City and schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

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