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West Valley Immigration Lawyer

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Immigration Law Services

Immigration laws and policies are always being updated or changed in some way making it difficult for people going through the immigration process to keep up. That's why Familia America's highly skilled West Valley immigration lawyer and her team make it their mission to up to speed at all times in order to best utilize our resources to advocate for each of our clients and develop a detailed legal plan for them.
Green Card
Young Couple Embracing in the Beach

Green Card

Countless families throughout the country have relatives living abroad with dreams of building a better life in the United States. Often times, a person is already in the United States and would finally like the opportunity to live, work and travel freely in the United States without restrictions.  Obtaining a green card is important, but acquiring a green card is not easy. It is important to have an immigration lawyer on your side to help apply to gain residence in the United States. My name is Gloria Cardenas and I am a green card attorney. The immigration legal team at Familia America is committed to helping families find the best solutions to obtain residency in the United States for themselves and members of their families.  Employers want to apply for residency for their hard workers.  We are ready to represent you too. 

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Two Young Men Couple Holding each other

Same Sex Immigration

The legal team at Familia America strongly believes in the equal treatment of all of our clients. Same-sex immigration attorney, Gloria Cardenas, and her entire staff are personally committed to supporting you and your immigration goals. We warmly welcome members of the LGBT community to our office and zealously represent your unique challenges in the immigration process. We believe that every person deserves fair treatment by the US immigration system, regardless of his or her sexual orientation.

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Young Happy Couple Hugging Each other Beside the Wall

Fiance Visa

Romance can happen anywhere. Countless Americans have met the love of their lives while traveling, working, or studying abroad. When that romance develops into a special long-term relationship, it does not have to end once a person returns to the United States. If you are an American citizen and looking to bring your significant other to this country for marriage, a K-1 visa can make your dreams come true. Also known as a fiance visa, the K-1 allows your fiance to come to this country for the purpose of getting married. My name is Gloria Cardenas and I am a fiance visa attorney. A K-1 fiance visa allows couples 90 days to get married. Once married, your fiance must also apply for a Green Card before the 90-day expiration. Over the years, the immigration legal professionals at Familia America are proud to have brought many couples together by helping them obtain a fiance visa.

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Man Smiling, Wearing Blue and White Formal Attire

DACA/DACA Renewals

The USCIS is accepting new DACA applications and renewals! If approved, your DACA will be valid for two (2) years, as well as your employment authorization. You can renew your DACA even though it expired and even if it expired years ago. You may also file for Advance Parole, which permits you to return to the United States after you travel abroad!

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Portrait of A Man Wearing Eyeglasses

Advance Parole

An Advance Parole Document is a form of temporary travel authorization to return to the United States upon departure from the United States.  The Application is Form I-131.  Nonimmigrants in the United States (such as adjustment of status applicants (people applying for their green cards), DACA recipients, TPS recipients, refugees/asylum applicants) are eligible to reenter the United States after traveling abroad without risking losing their immigration benefit.  

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Young Woman Hugging a Man Sitting on a Sofa Chair


The immigration legal team at Familia America can provide several solutions to help immigrants obtain United States citizenship. Before a person can fill out an Application for Naturalization, they must fulfill some basic requirements. From the time a client schedules their initial consultation to the day they become a citizen, we will be in your corner throughout the whole process. Because the process can sometimes get complicated, it is important to seek assistance from a citizenship attorney with the knowledge and legal resources to help.

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Close up of Approve USA Visa

Consular Processing

Many immigrants must obtain their lawful permanent residency visa from the United States Consulates and Embassies abroad, which involves working with the Department of State, and coordination between this agency and the Department of Homeland Security is often critical. It is often a frustrating and time-wasting process if you don’t know what you are doing. Submitting forms, pertinent information, and documents to the consulate are just a few things that need to be handled. Biometrics, medical examination, and an interview at the consulate are all part of this process. Our team at Familia America, LLC., is highly experienced in this process and has successfully processed immigrant visas in numerous consulate offices and embassies.

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Father Holding His Daugther Hand


Certain applicants for immigration benefits may be determined “inadmissible” to the US based on prior legal violations or administrative decisions entered against them. Because an applicant may be inadmissible, the applicant must submit a waiver (sometimes referred to as a pardon). Based on this inadmissibility, US immigration authorities may deny their applications for visas or adjust their status. A waiver of inadmissibility, however, may be available, depending on the charges raised against the applicant and the type of visa for which they are applying.

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Armed Forced Soldier Hugging His Daughter

Parole For Military Families

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced executive actions to change immigration policy. One of these reforms expanded the existing “parole in place” program for the spouses, children, and parents of members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Parole in place is a status that allows undocumented family members of those who are in the US Armed Forces the right to reside in the United States AND qualify for certain benefits, including employment authorization and, for some people, eligibility to obtain their lawful permanent residency in the United States without having to leave the United States to go through the consular process. 

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Mother Carrying Her Child

Victims Of Crime Visas

There is extensive evidence that must be gathered in support of these forms of relief. Victim visa attorney Gloria Cardenas and her team are experienced and caring individuals and will personally guide you through this application process mindful that you are a victim and may need special attention and patience. We welcome you. Battered Spouses / Children of US Citizens or US Permanent Residents.

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Woman Researcher working in a Laboratory Room

Employment Visas

Working in the United States for a fixed period of time is possible for many immigrants. In most cases, a potential employer must file a petition with the USCIS.  Once this is approved, your interview is scheduled at a US Consulate or Embassy, and after that, your visa may be issued to you. Oftentimes, your spouse and children can also obtain a similar visa so that they can join you in the United States. 

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Portrait of A Young Confident Man wearing White Long Sleeve Polo

EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa

Foreign investor applicants and their spouses and children under 21 years old can obtain their permanent residency green card through an EB-5 Visa program that was recently relaunched in the United States.  

In general, the investor must meet capital investment amount requirements, job creation requirements, and ensure that the business receiving the investment qualifies for the EB-5 program. Once all requirements have been successfully met and approved by the USCIS, EB-5 visa applicants, their spouse, and their children under 21 will obtain their permanent residency green cards.  

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Father and Daughter Hugging Each Other


The Biden administration announced a special parole program for Ukrainians that began April 25, 2022. The program is a streamlined process for Ukrainian and Venezuelan citizens to request permission to travel to the United States and apply for Humanitarian Parole. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a temporary immigration status provided to nationals of certain countries experiencing problems that make it difficult or unsafe for their nationals to be deported there. TPS has been a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of individuals already in the United States when problems in a home country make their departure or deportation untenable.

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Happy Black American Father and Son Hugging each other in the Middle of the Forest


Seeking asylum in the United States is available every year to people who come to the United States seeking protection because they have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution in their home country due to: Race, Religion, Nationality, Membership in a particular social group, and Political opinion. Oftentimes winning asylum in the United States takes more than simply submitting your personal statement, and that is why it is recommended that you seek an attorney who is experienced in presenting strong country conditions, reports, and expert declarations that support your reasons for seeking asylum.  

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Success Stories

There have been thousands of people who were helped with their immigration troubles through Familia America. Read some of the stories about how our West Valley Immigrations lawyer has helped these people.

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Contact a Salt Lake City Fiancé Visa Attorney at Familia America Today

Attorney Gloria Cardenas brings more than 30 years of experience in immigration law to help protect the rights of clients and their family members. She and her knowledgeable team at Familia America work diligently behind the scenes to help process fiancé visa applications as quickly as possible. To learn more, contact the legal professionals at Familia America in Salt Lake City and schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

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