As millions of immigrants and refugees from all over the world pour legally or illegally into the United States, some American citizens fear they may be displaced from their jobs or their wages undercut by the government. This wrong view of immigration has pushed immigration policies to the far-right. So now immigrants in the United States are afraid they will not have access to employment due to their background or immigration status.
Recent studies by economists clearly demonstrate that immigration has not led to fewer employment opportunities for American workers. On the contrary, economists argue that both wealthy and poor immigrants have had a positive impact on our economy. They have helped reduce the price of some products, provided new services and labor source, and created investment and employment possibilities. There is also a small positive impact on the wages of American workers by helping the economy. These are findings that may seem a bit odd to some lawmakers but if they take into account statistics from American companies and the arrival of cheap labor, they will have to conclude immigration is a good thing for America.
Immigration will not displace American workers but rather encourage the growth of our economy. Immigrant and domestic workers generally look for different types of jobs. It is good for companies to have different types of workers. The less educated immigrants, for example, prefer jobs such as cashiers, tellers, floor clerks, and manual tasks or physical labor. So immigration can help produce more jobs. American restaurants owe many of their jobs to underpaid immigrants. Also, many farm workers are immigrants. Some Americans ignore the fact that without underpaid immigrants there might not be strawberries in the United States.
There is only a small negative impact on the wages of the less-skilled American workers. Immigrants may displace some domestic workers in low-paying jobs. But some economists argue that the impact could be positive as well. Many studies confirm that the wages of American workers have actually increased with the arrival of immigrants.
Immigrant workers looking for a job can expect to find opportunities in several industries such as:
Not every HR manager will understand the complexities of a work visa. It is important you hire an experienced Salt Lake City work visa attorney if you are an immigrant planning to work in the United States. Once you have secured your visa, you can provide your potential employer with your immigration status. It is important you go to your interviews with documents that provide your immigration status.
If you have questions about working in the United States, call us today and we will explain the requirements for a work visa. For more information regarding your situation, talk to Salt Lake City immigration attorney Gloria Cardenas.
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Attorney Gloria Cardenas brings more than 30 years of experience in immigration law to help protect the rights of clients and their family members. She and her knowledgeable team at Familia America work diligently behind the scenes to help process fiancé visa applications as quickly as possible. To learn more, contact the legal professionals at Familia America in Salt Lake City and schedule a consultation to discuss your case.